The Kingshay Shop
Crimped Grain Maize v Whole Cob Maize Farming Note
Higher maize feed energy levels can be achieved by harvestin...
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Non-members: £12.50
Maize is an excellent feed providing a good source of starch...
Members: FREE
Non-members: Unavailable
Importance of Starch in the Diet Farming Note
With the metabolic strain high-yielding dairy cows are often...
Members: FREE
Non-members: £12.50
Improving Soil Structure for Maize Farming Note
Soil compaction is a major concern for this year's maize dri...
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Non-members: £12.50
Integrated Pest Management for Grassland & Forage Crops
Integrated pest management (IPM) uses a variety of pest mana
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Non-members: £15.00
Maize Drilling and Fertilisers
Maize is an excellent feed providing a good source of starch...
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Non-members: Unavailable
The amount of maize grown in the UK has increased significan
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Non-members: £15.00
Harvesting maize at the correct time is crucial to get that ...
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Non-members: £15.00
Maize Sprays & Treatments Farming Note
Weed control is critical in a cost effective maize crop. The...
Members: FREE
Non-members: Unavailable
Our maize survey results are back - and we find out what var...
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Non-members: £15.00
At maize harvest, although weather windows dictate play to a
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Non-members: £15.00
Mycotoxins are a hidden risk in feeds and forages which can
Members: FREE
Non-members: £15.00