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Maximise Soil and Fertiliser Value – Whilst Following Farming Rules for Water
In 2018, the Farming Rules for Water, also known as the Reduction and Prevention of Agricultural Diffuse Pollution (England) regulations 2018, was introduced in England, its aim was that farmers who carefully planned manure and fertiliser applications (not exceeding crop and soil requirements), could prevent diffuse pollution following application.
This Dairy Insight serves as a guide for you to get the full value from both your soils and fertilisers. Additionally, it provides an overview of the rules and helps you understand how to comply with them.
Issued May 2024
About Kingshay insight publications
Kingshay has been producing bi-monthly publications for dairy farmers since 1991. Publishing on issues critical to the success of a modern dairy farming business.
These briefings include dairy insight, business insight and research insight, they provide dairy farmers, large animal vets, farm consultants and other interested parties with the most vital and timely information in a concise two-page format. The information contained in our insight publications is written and updated by our experts to ensure accuracy and to save you time.
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