The Kingshay Shop
Soil Carbon Assessment Extra with Textural Classification
Soils are fundamental to agriculture, without healthy soils farming is neither profitable nor sustainable. Our Soil Carbon Assessment Extra with Textural Classification analysis means that you can now measure the levels of carbon in your soils plus active carbon. With the NFU’s target of achieving net zero by 2040 it is important now more than ever that farmers are playing their part in climate change mitigation, so measure your carbon today with our carbon analysis service.
Soil Carbon Assessment Analysis with textural classification (individual sample) includes:
Total Carbon, Total Organic Carbon( by DUMAS), Organic Matter, Total Nitrogen, C:N Ratio, Total Carbon Stock, Active
Carbon, Bulk Density, Solvita CO2 Respiration, Microbial Biomass, Potenially Mineralisable Nitrogen.
Non-member purchase fee of £82.50
Order and pay online through the Farmacy website. Click here.
Member purchase fee of £72.50
Members can benefit from their member discount by ordering through the Kingshay office. Please call on 01458 851555 or email
(Prices quoted are excluding VAT. VAT will be added at the current rate once in the trolley).
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