Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Milking Parlours

Increased milking frequency, whether through a parlour or robots, is often considered as a means of maximising herd genetic potential and income. However, before making a...

Installing a new parlour is a big decision as the parlour will be at the core of your dairy production for many years. A new parlour needs to be able to meet today's requ...

Parlour wall and floor surfaces must be easy to work with and meet the hygiene standards required by dairy inspectors. Choosing the correct material will save you time an...

In Holland, around 15% of dairy farms milk through robots. Sales of robots in the UK are a long way behind this, but it is an increasing market. Dairying is a difficult s...

Are cows fidgeting during milking? Are liners slipping? Do you have a lot of ‘slow milkers’? It’s these types of observations that should form part of everyday parl...

Stray voltage on a dairy unit is a relatively common occurrence and can affect the profitability of the milking herd through increased herd stress and agitation. The effe...

A poorly functioning parlour will damage teats, increase the risk of mastitis and slow milking time. Understanding your parlour is critical to optimise milking and cow...

Private water sources are a great way to lower water costs on dairy farms, but failure to routinely monitor and address water quality issues can lead to problems with udd...