Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Milking

Each year as the weather gets warmer, somatic cell counts increase, making mastitis in summer an area for focus. Some pasture conditions can lead to high levels of expos...

Farmers aim for a quick efficient milking. But can milking be done too quickly? This DAIRY insight explores the concept of bimodal milking and what practical actions you ...

Having a parlour which is functioning correctly allows milking to be quick, complete and comfortable for both the cow and the milking staff. Poor milking characteristics ...

Reducing electricity usage by improving the efficiency of milk cooling, water heating and parlour vacuum pumps will benefit farm profitability and reduce carbon emissions...

Testing milk machine and parlour function can highlight problems which are resulting in a less effective milking and damaged udders. Unlike static parlour testing, dynami...

Having more efficient water use and minimising waste will reduce the cost of milk production. On average, a dairy farm will use 5 litres of water for every litre of milk...

Are you making the most efficient use of labour on your farm. Herds on Dairy Manager Full Costs have an annual labour cost of over £44,000 per 100 cows or 3.8ppl (this i...

Freezing Point Depression (FPD) is a test used to measure extraneous water in milk. The freezing point of milk is usually in the range of -0.512oC to -0.550oC with an ave...

Installing a new parlour is a big decision as the parlour will be at the core of your dairy production for many years. A new parlour needs to be able to meet today's requ...

Promoting milk to the public is something that both industry organisations and individual farmers can – and many say, should – be doing. This insight publication look...

In Holland, around 15% of dairy farms milk through robots. Sales of robots in the UK are a long way behind this, but it is an increasing market. Dairying is a difficult s...

Segregating cows out of the herd during milking can be a time consuming and frustrating process. A well sited drafting system will segregate cows with little disruption t...