Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Labour Management

Contract farming agreements can offer significant advantages over Farm Business Tenancies (FBT). They are relevant to both large specialist companies and smaller farms en...

Opting to have heifers reared on contract by a third party could be an attractive option for those farmers with limited labour, time, interest or facilities. On units whe...

Lean management can be put into practice on dairy farms to improve net margins. A lean-qualified (ILM) consultant will coach on how to put management structures in place,...

Employment Law addresses the red tape and legalities you need to be aware of as an employer.

Labour should be thought of as an investment, not just a cost. At an average 5.7ppl (3.7ppl paid labour) (Kingshay Profit Manager), labour is the biggest overhead cost to...

No matter how comprehensive and well thought out your plans for the business, they are worthless without people - you, your employees and your family. People are your gre...

Retaining high quality staff is one of the biggest challenges on most farms. Circumstances where there are long hours and difficult working conditions can result in good ...

Are you making the most efficient use of labour on your farm. Herds on Dairy Manager Full Costs have an annual labour cost of over £44,000 per 100 cows or 3.8ppl (this i...

Equity partnerships can help to encourage the younger generation to remain in the dairy industry, and offer an attractive exit route for the retiring farmer. They can pro...

Properly signed dangers can minimise the risk of accidents, as well as the risk of litigation if things go wrong. The number of fatal accidents in agriculture remains one...

As an industry, agriculture is by far the worst offender when it comes to health & safety. Our industry represents 1.2% of the British workforce, but accounts for 20% of ...

Behind each statistic of farm injury or death is a tragic story, a devastating impact on families and often to the farm business as well. It is essential that farmers tak...