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Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Grazing

Grazed Grass (Setting up to Succeed) Farming Note

Grazed Grass (Setting up to Succeed) Farming Note

Grazed grass is a very cheap feed, typically with an ME of 11.5-12 and crude protein of 16-20%. Many herd owners and managers underestimate the value of grass and its use...

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Grazed Grass (Successful Management) Farming Note

Grazed Grass (Successful Management) Farming Note

Grazed grass is a very cheap feed, typically with an ME of 11.5-12 and crude protein of 16-20%. Many herd owners and managers underestimate the value of grass and its use...

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Grazing – Dealing with Hot Weather and Drought

Grazing – Dealing with Hot Weather and Drought

The UK does not often experience the hot temperatures faced this season, the duration of the heat and lack of rain is almost unprecedented. However, it is likely that wit...

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High Yielding Cows - Effective Spring Rations Farming Note

High Yielding Cows - Effective Spring Rations Farming Note

It is important to view the pros and cons of grass in dairy cow rations as you would any other feed. For high yielding cows, grazed grass can't provide all the nutrients ...

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Keeping Control of Grazing

Keeping Control of Grazing

This Farming Note follows on from Mid-Season Grazing Management, and covers: Strategies for dealing with a grass excess Methods of reinstating residuals Different...

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Late Season Grazing Management

Late Season Grazing Management

Autumn grass can be a high-value feed, and for those squeezed by milk price, maximising use of late season grass can boost margins. This Farming Note covers: how l...

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Managing the Diet for Success at Turnout Dairy insight

Managing the Diet for Success at Turnout Dairy insight

With the costs of purchased feeds at record levels, there has never been a more important time to challenge how much milk you can achieve from grazed grass. It is never ...

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Maximising Grass Growth & Quality Farming Note

Maximising Grass Growth & Quality Farming Note

Implementing grazing management strategies that coordinate grazing with grass growth stages can stimulate increased herbage production by up to 45%. Grass has been bred t...

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Mid Season Grazing Management

Mid Season Grazing Management

Mid season grazing management presents a challenge. While it’s easy to grow grass in spring, as rotations progress, grass quality diminishes if effort is not put in. Ma...

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Milk From Forage Farming Note

Milk From Forage Farming Note

With the rise in feed costs in recent years, utilisation of forages has become increasingly important to reduce volatility and maintain profits. In May 2010, milk fro...

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Multi-Species Swards (Part 1)

Multi-Species Swards (Part 1)

The terms ‘herbal ley’ and multi-species swards’ are often used synonymously. They typically refer to temporary grasslands made up of a mix of grass, legume and her...

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Multi-Species Swards (Part 2)

Multi-Species Swards (Part 2)

Historically, diverse species swards were the domain of specialist systems. However, the benefits of planting a diverse mix of species make them a valuable resource for m...

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