Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Environment

Have you ever considered the impact of forage quality or compound feed on the overall carbon footprint per kg FPCM (Fat and Protein Corrected Milk)? It may be larger tha...

This is the first part of a 2-part series of publications covering Nitrogen. In this publication we look at the Nitrogen Cycle and where nitrogen is lost in the system. T...

This workbook brings together the technical concepts introduced in the following insight publications: • Boost Your Soil's Power: Understanding Cation Exchange Capacit...

Natural Capital is the buzzword of the moment – but what does it really mean and why is it essential to farmers? This insight publication looks at why natural capital i...

Phosphorus is an essential element for soil, plant and animal health but its high cost and potential as a pollutant makes it essential not to overapply. This Farming Note...

This Research Insight explores the research behind Orego- Stim a 100% natural, phytogenic product which can reduce anti-microbial resistance in waste milk for calves. Th...

An average of 13,000 tons of plastic is produced by UK farms each year. Reducing waste on your farm can reduce costs, reduce time as well as being better for the environm...

In recent years, the term Regenerative Farming has become more widespread in its use. This interest has not only been within the industry, but regenerative agriculture ha...

Good storage practices and vigilant record keeping are always important to ensure a safe workplace. In addition, they will assure the quality of the purchased products ...

The use of acidification or pH reduction systems to lower the pH of slurry is increasingly being talked about by Government as a means of hitting ammonia and methane redu...

Utilising slurry to get the maximum of the available nutrients for grass growth can save significant amounts money, without compromising forage output. Testing slurry nut...

Ecosystem services are benefits we derive from the natural environment. The value of these services to agriculture is enormous and underappreciated, or not known at all....