Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Cow Management

For a heifer or cow to reach their full production potential, a good calving is essential. They are less likely to suffer from problems post calving such as metritis, ket...

Farmers aim for a quick efficient milking. But can milking be done too quickly? This DAIRY insight explores the concept of bimodal milking and what practical actions you ...

Gases such as methane and carbon dioxide are produced as part of the normal process of digestion in cattle. These gases are usually discharged by eructation (belching). I...

Body Condition Scoring (BCS) is a simple and effective farm management tool. It is a measure of body fat/energy reserves, that can be used to aid decisions or troubleshoo...

Bovine TB (bTB) continues to be a major problem with approximately 11% of herds in England affected by bTB in 2017. The latest DEFRA statistics show there were 3,824 new ...

Observing cattle behaviour is an important aspect of monitoring animal comfort on farm, and can provide key information about cow environment. Ensuring that cow environme...

Cattle health schemes are designed to help farms monitor and eliminate the five most important non-statutory diseases, which are prevalent in the UK and are costing many ...

Well-designed collecting yards save time and reduce stress, whereas poor designs or improper cow handling will compromise cow flow and welfare.

Cow brushes not only help to fulfil the cow’s natural desire to scratch, but could also lead to a 1-litre a cow a day uplift in milk yield, along with less disease and ...

Cow grouping is a useful management tool, particularly in larger herds, which allows the requirements of each individual cow to be more easily met. Deciding if your he...

Tracks play a key role in enabling early turnout and allowing effective use of grazing right through the season. This Farming Note assesses the key practical aspects of...

The sale of cull cows provides important extra income to a dairy enterprise and decisions on when and how to sell animals will influence the price achieved. The decisionÂ...