Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Calf Rearing

Careful monitoring of the performance and health of freshly calved cows will help to achieve expected lactation yields. Particular attention should be paid to cows who ...

Heifer calves are the future of most dairy herds, and you don’t get a second chance at getting it right. Therefore, time taken for attention to detail pays dividends, n...

This is the third issue of our new publication, research insight. The aim of the publication is to translate relevant scientific research into useful information for your...

All farmers should take scours prevention seriously considering it accounts for more than half of calf deaths in the UK and is preventable through good hygiene and immuni...

There is increasing pressure on producers to use veterinary medicines more sparingly, in particular, antibiotics. Many assurance schemes are striving to prove agriculture...

Making sure cows are moved onto the correct winter ration will not only ensure milk production and cow health is maintained, but that the farm’s grazing covers are clos...

The future of the dairy herds on most farms, lies with their heifers. Good management from the very start is therefore key to a successful herd and is essential to reduce...

Replacement heifers account for almost 10% of on-farm costs, yet the Kingshay 2012 Youngstock Survey found that 15.5% of first-calving heifers fail to calve into the milk...

The young dairy heifers are the future of your herd. By planning their rearing from day one until they start their first lactation, farm profits can be improved as a resu...

With feed and forage costs increasing substantially in the last few months, it is even more important to have a highly efficient heifer rearing system. Heifer calves are ...