Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Business

What is most commonly targeted by rural crime? How do you reduce your insurance premiums?

A successful dairy farming business strives for outstanding performance and this can be achieved through consistent and accurate work practices. Maintaining standards acr...

In recent months, there have been numerous high-profile farm thefts in the press, including several cases of livestock rustling. According to the NFU Mutual Rural Crime...

With feed costs rising significantly month on month, the instinct is to do something drastic and change feed type or feed rates. However, this may have a negative impact ...

Read this Farming Note to understand how changes to the machinery Annual Investment Allowance influence options for financing machinery purchases, relative to the availab...

Freezing Point Depression (FPD) is a test used to measure extraneous water in milk. The freezing point of milk is usually in the range of -0.512oC to -0.550oC with an ave...

New data protection rules are coming into force on 25th May 2018, which are likely to affect almost all farming businesses to some extent or another. In this issue of ...

Expanding dairy export markets and increasing consumer interest means processors are tightening up on milk quality standards, which means an effective parlour circulation...

This BUSINESS insight will take you through the huge array of grants available for farmers and land managers as part of the government’s drive to green up agriculture. ...

Many farmers see the benefits of maintaining their machinery, but what about their minds? It is often things that are out of farmers’ control; financial pressures, weat...

In many areas of the country hedges form an integral part of the countryside. Planting new hedges, and gapping up old ones, helps to maintain the landscape. Hedge plantin...

Holding regular team meetings to discuss and review business aims and objectives are a must for any modern dairy farm. Routinely involving the whole farm team in meetings...