Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Business Management

A successful dairy farming business strives for outstanding performance and this can be achieved through consistent and accurate work practices. Maintaining standards acr...

In recent months, there have been numerous high-profile farm thefts in the press, including several cases of livestock rustling. According to the NFU Mutual Rural Crime...

With feed costs rising significantly month on month, the instinct is to do something drastic and change feed type or feed rates. However, this may have a negative impact ...

New data protection rules are coming into force on 25th May 2018, which are likely to affect almost all farming businesses to some extent or another. In this issue of ...

Many farmers see the benefits of maintaining their machinery, but what about their minds? It is often things that are out of farmers’ control; financial pressures, weat...

Many publications focus on the identification and prevention of lameness and much less emphasis has been given to the practical treatment of the animal once it has been i...

To maximise the health and performance of any dairy herd, it’s essential that all dairy farms work hand-in-hand with their vet to proactively prevent disease. No modern...

In twenty-century Britain, all professional businesses are expected to have a web presence and farming should be no exception. Creating a website can help with the recrui...

This Farming Note explains how to minimise the risk of farm data loss and identity theft.

Sourcing and maintaining high-quality staff is key to making a farming business run smoothly. However, there are several recruitment routes and trying to decide which wor...

Business planning and succession planning are often seen as two separate topics, but fusing them together is a must if farming families want to safeguard their businessâ€...

Volatile feed markets and increasing pressure on margins mean that the role of the farm nutritionist in creating a well-balanced ration to meet specific farm requirements...