Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Buildings & Infrastructure

A poorly functioning parlour will damage teats, increase the risk of mastitis and slow milking time. Understanding your parlour is critical to optimise milking and cow...
Whilst using energy efficiently is clearly important, farmers are in a good position to reduce their electricity cost by making use of alternative energy sources. Wind p...

Poor dairy building ventilation can have dramatic consequences on milk production. Research suggests 50% of buildings designed for livestock are not suited to the housed ...

Private water sources are a great way to lower water costs on dairy farms, but failure to routinely monitor and address water quality issues can lead to problems with udd...

With straw supplies limited and expensive, different bedding options may prove economic for your herd. An increase in straw price of £15/tonne would typically increase c...

Replacement heifers account for almost 10% of on-farm costs, yet the Kingshay 2012 Youngstock Survey found that 15.5% of first-calving heifers fail to calve into the milk...

The young dairy heifers are the future of your herd. By planning their rearing from day one until they start their first lactation, farm profits can be improved as a resu...