Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Buildings & Infrastructure

Happy cows are productive cows! The key is to ensure every aspect of management and cow environment is set up to make the most of the cow’s natural behaviour. Closely m...

Reducing electricity usage by improving the efficiency of milk cooling, water heating and parlour vacuum pumps will benefit farm profitability and reduce carbon emissions...

A diet feeder needs to suit your system and perform well for many years. With a wide range of manufacturers and models to choose from, it is a good idea to demo machine...

Testing milk machine and parlour function can highlight problems which are resulting in a less effective milking and damaged udders. Unlike static parlour testing, dynami...

E. coli is one of the primary causes of clinical mastitis in the UK, presenting in various guises from mild cases to severe toxic mastitis that few cows will survive. Wi...

The Effective Bedding Management report provides a guide to choosing an alternative bedding material or managing existing cow bedding. The report includes results of the ...

Lighting on a dairy farm is important for animal health and production, but can be a significant cost. This Farming Note addresses: Optimum lighting levels and hours ...

Having more efficient water use and minimising waste will reduce the cost of milk production. On average, a dairy farm will use 5 litres of water for every litre of milk...

In recent months, there have been numerous high-profile farm thefts in the press, including several cases of livestock rustling. According to the NFU Mutual Rural Crime...

Effective feed storage saves both time and money. Feed storage bins can dilapidate over time and this can increase feed spoilage and increase the risk of a bin collapsin...

Dirty feed troughs containing spoiled feed will reduce intakes, increase wastage and put animals at risk of disease. Clean troughs can improve daily dry matter intakes by...

Freezing Point Depression (FPD) is a test used to measure extraneous water in milk. The freezing point of milk is usually in the range of -0.512oC to -0.550oC with an ave...