Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Building Design

Since the Kingshay Cubicle Demonstration Unit was set up in 2004, there have been 4 building phases and many visitors passing through the doors to compare the latest prod...

Having spent time assessing how well the cows use your cubicles (see Cubicles - what do your cows want?) it is vital to adjust them to suit your cows. This DAIRY insight ...

Happy cows are productive cows! The key is to ensure every aspect of management and cow environment is set up to make the most of the cow’s natural behaviour. Closely m...

Lighting on a dairy farm is important for animal health and production, but can be a significant cost. This Farming Note addresses: Optimum lighting levels and hours ...

In recent months, there have been numerous high-profile farm thefts in the press, including several cases of livestock rustling. According to the NFU Mutual Rural Crime...

Effective feed storage saves both time and money. Feed storage bins can dilapidate over time and this can increase feed spoilage and increase the risk of a bin collapsin...

Achieving good, natural cow flow in and out of the parlour will reduce frustrations in the pit and minimise cow stress. Less requirement to push cows in for milking will ...

Good building ventilation is vital to remove the huge amounts of heat and moisture produced by cows every day. Failure to get it right can lead to heat stress and higher ...

Cameras are no longer just seen as a security tool; they now have multiple uses on farms from monitoring cows during calving to staff training. Nonetheless, there are key...

Rats carry a large number of diseases and parasites which can be harmful to both humans and animals. This, alongside the damage they cause, makes them a major farm pest.Â...

The spread of bovine TB (bTB) on farm can potentially be reduced by adopting certain management practices. Transmission risks for bTB include infected wildlife (particula...

Environmental mastitis pathogens are naturally present in the housed environment, but problems occur when the pathogen pressure becomes too high. This Farming Note cov...