Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Alternative Forages
Gases such as methane and carbon dioxide are produced as part of the normal process of digestion in cattle. These gases are usually discharged by eructation (belching). I...
A timely maize harvest this season could provide the perfect window of opportunity to plant a highly productive, cost effective, catch crop grass ley. Doing so would prov...
Farmers reseed because renovated swards should yield 33% more in the first year and 10% more thereafter, than a 5 year old ley. However, the seed mixture plays a huge par...
The UK does not often experience the hot temperatures faced this season, the duration of the heat and lack of rain is almost unprecedented. However, it is likely that wit...
Lucerne is a good source of home grown protein, helping to shelter you from fluctuations in the price of bought in proteins. It is a nitrogen fixing crop which will impro...
The amount of maize grown in the UK has increased significantly over the last decade, due to both the three-crop rule and an increasing use of maize in anaerobic digester...
The terms ‘herbal ley’ and multi-species swards’ are often used synonymously. They typically refer to temporary grasslands made up of a mix of grass, legume and her...
Historically, diverse species swards were the domain of specialist systems. However, the benefits of planting a diverse mix of species make them a valuable resource for m...
Nitrates in forage can reduce milk yields and cause fertility problems, can turn silage butyric and even cause death in stock. This Farming Note covers: How to ens...
With nitrogen fertiliser unlikely to get any cheaper, soya predicted to increase in price in the medium to long term and land now more readily available, it is worth cons...
Red clover is probably the most reliable and consistent source of home-grown protein and can be grown over a range of soil types, in both organic and conventional systems...
A well sealed silage clamp is critical to reduce DM losses, which can range from 5-18% in-silo and 1-10% at feed out. Sheeting technology has advanced in recent years, m...