Latest from Kingshay's Knowledgebase

No matter how comprehensive and well thought out your plans for the business, they are worthless without people - you, your employees and your family. People are your gre...

Barley or wheat? Undersow or not? Spring wholecrop can be a very useful alternative feed to maize and is very good as a break crop. There are a wide range of crops that ...

Do you see a lot of milk fevers in your herd? Do you have problems with retained cleansings? Calcium and phosphorus are two of the most important minerals, particularly ...

Well maintained sand cubicles can provide an excellent bed for milking cows. If kept clean, sand does not support bacterial growth and can therefore present a lower masti...

Energy is the key nutrient to aid good health, fertility and performance. Low energy intake is the major nutritional factor linked to dairy cow feeding problems. Getting ...

Are you making the most efficient use of labour on your farm. Herds on Dairy Manager Full Costs have an annual labour cost of over £44,000 per 100 cows or 3.8ppl (this i...

The Effective Bedding Management report provides a guide to choosing an alternative bedding material or managing existing cow bedding. The report includes results of the ...

Maize is an excellent feed providing a good source of starch to compliment protein in other forages. However, it can be an expensive crop to grow and good yields are key ...

The young dairy heifers are the future of your herd. By planning their rearing from day one until they start their first lactation, farm profits can be improved as a resu...

Slit aerating can improve soil structure by helping to alleviate surface compaction and increase the air in the top soil. When choosing a machine it is important to know ...

Following a survey of members: opinions of their bedding machines Kingshay has compiled a report which reviews the pros and cons of bedding systems, e.g. sand vs. paper v...

Results from our herd health survey show that low Vet & Med costs are strongly influenced by how you use your vet, the health status of your herd and the farm team sk...