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Wholecrop can be barvested at a range of dry matters. Wholecrop silages which are over 55% dry matter can be preserved by urea treatment. Urea treated wholecrop offers ad...

Grazed grass is a very cheap feed, typically with an ME of 11.5-12 and crude protein of 16-20%. Many herd owners and managers underestimate the value of grass and its use...

Grazed grass is a very cheap feed, typically with an ME of 11.5-12 and crude protein of 16-20%. Many herd owners and managers underestimate the value of grass and its use...

Soil is arguably the most valuable natural resource on any farm and is often taken for granted. Linking progressive soil management to a livestock production system can a...

A key to reversing the general trend of declining fertility is to use the right measures which focus on getting cows pregnant. Most of the traditional measures are histor...

With nitrogen fertiliser unlikely to get any cheaper, soya predicted to increase in price in the medium to long term and land now more readily available, it is worth cons...

Weed control is critical in a cost effective maize crop. There are now approximately only 11 active ingredients available in the UK compared to over 70 in France. Selecti...

Good uterine health is critical to launch cows on a healthy, productive course after calving. Between 15 and 25% of all fresh cows and 80% of cows with retained cleanings...

Cows and concrete are a difficult combination. Despite the clear benefits of concrete for managing housed cows, it is not a very comfortable standing surface and can be h...

The average 100 cow herd loses over £18,000 per year due to poor fertility. Improving herd fertility is a huge topic and choosing the right service method for your syste...

It's a shocking statistic but only 50% of all heats are detected in the average herd. Increasing this by 10% would save over £7,000 per year for a typical 150 cow herd. ...

Effective feed storage saves both time and money. Feed storage bins can dilapidate over time and this can increase feed spoilage and increase the risk of a bin collapsin...