Latest from Kingshay's Knowledgebase

Each new case of mastitis costs around £276. Many of these cases appear in early lactation, with up to 50% attributed to management in the dry period. Subclinical mastit...

Listeriosis, also known as ‘circling disease or ‘silage sickness’ is caused by the main bacterium in the Listeria genus, Listeria monocytogenes (L.mono), which is n...

Wholecrop cereals can provide an alternative option for winter forage and are a good substitute for maize in the ration. Choosing the optimum time to harvest will largely...

The post-calving period is a difficult time for a cow who has to recover from the stress of calving, fight off disease and infection and produce milk. Having an effective...

Replacement heifers are one of the most valuable assets but also biggest costs to a farm. Physical development is more important than age at first calving for a success...

The sale of cull cows provides important extra income to a dairy enterprise and decisions on when and how to sell animals will influence the price achieved. The decisionÂ...

Kingshay's Youngstock Management Survey showed that 87% of farmers have seen cases of calf pneumonia and 50% joint ill on their farm. Good calf management is crucial if a...

Natural service can save time and money, but a poorly performing bull can be costly if conception rates are low. Is your bull in peak form? With up to 33% of bulls though...

Agricultural waste is "any substance or object from premises used for agriculture or horticulture, which the holder discards, intends to discard or is obliged to discard....
Our 'Good Grass Silage 2014' report aims to remove some of the bias from this bewildering area. Featuring the results of last year's Kingshay grass silage additive trial,...

In our recent DairyCo funded study, starlings have been found to cost Somerset dairy farmers an average of 3ppl on every litre produced over the 90 day winter period when...

As part of Kingshay's exhibit at the 'Livestock Event' and 'The Dairy Show' last year, farmers filled in a survey assessing levels of cow comfort on their farm. The Cow C...