Latest from Kingshay's Knowledgebase
Milk cheques are becoming increasingly influenced by milk butterfat levels, which makes avoiding the typical milk fat depression seen at turn-out vital. However, ensuring...
This insight publication is one in a series of three worming publications: Understanding Anthelmintics and Youngstock Worms, that together provide a comprehensive guide f...
This is one of a series of three insight publications, looking at parasitic worms in cattle. Together these publications provide a comprehensive guide for developing a go...
Consistent growth throughout their early years is essential to ensure heifers calve in at the most economical age at first calving of 24 months, but all too often turnout...
In the UK anthelmintic resistance is common in sheep, and while less so in cattle, it is a growing threat to their health and welfare. If left unimpeded, it could lead to...
Volatile feed markets and increasing pressure on margins mean that the role of the farm nutritionist in creating a well-balanced ration to meet specific farm requirements...
Adopting a multi-cut silage system, which reduces the interval between silage cuts could be one way to help farmers maximise milk from forage - something nearly all respo...
Careful monitoring of the performance and health of freshly calved cows will help to achieve expected lactation yields. Particular attention should be paid to cows who ...
This is the fourth issue of our new publication, research insight. The aim of the publication is to translate relevant scientific research into useful information for you...
Protein feed markets are always volatile but farmers can look to forward plan purchasing protein sources to manage costs or introduce more home grown forage proteins to t...
Natural Capital is the buzzword of the moment – but what does it really mean and why is it essential to farmers? This insight publication looks at why natural capital i...
Analysing forages and balancing rations with your nutritionist are important components of cost-effective feeding. Formulating a diet that works on paper is only part of ...