Latest from Kingshay's Knowledgebase

E. coli is one of the primary causes of clinical mastitis in the UK, presenting in various guises from mild cases to severe toxic mastitis that few cows will survive. Wi...

Working with livestock will always involve a level of risk. One risk area that is often overlooked is zoonotic diseases (pathogens that are passed from animals to humans)...

This DAIRY insight examines how to avoid antibiotic failures and looks at the on-farm test kits available and helps you choose the right one for your farm.

In November 2020, parliament finally approved the Agriculture Bill. This set out how farmers and land owners in England will be rewarded in the future with public money f...

Bedding conditioners form an important part of a mastitis control strategy by drying the cubicle beds and making an inhospitable environment for bacteria. However, their ...

Milk fever (or hypocalcaemia) is a potentially fatal metabolic disorder where dairy cows experience calcium (Ca) deficiency. With the estimated economic cost per case bet...

Antibiotics (AB) have played a major role in the health and welfare of cattle; they are vital for the treatment and control of bacterial infections. The increasing eme...

In recent years, the term Regenerative Farming has become more widespread in its use. This interest has not only been within the industry, but regenerative agriculture ha...

Environmental concerns surrounding the production of soya bean and palm means their use in dairy cow diets is becoming increasingly unacceptable. Some supermarkets have a...

Achieving good, natural cow flow in and out of the parlour will reduce frustrations in the pit and minimise cow stress. Less requirement to push cows in for milking will ...

Liver fluke is a highly pathogenic flatworm parasite called Fasciola hepatica. Infected mud snails (Galba truncatula) shed liver fluke cysts onto pasture, where cattle gr...

Labour is often one of the biggest sources of complaint on dairy farms. However, having a motivated team that works hard to achieve high levels of business performance ul...