Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Farming Notes
Poor dairy building ventilation can have dramatic consequences on milk production. Research suggests 50% of buildings designed for livestock are not suited to the housed ...
Vitamins are essential for cattle growth, production, reproduction and health, and deficiencies have serious implications. Maintaining the correct vitamin levels in the ...
Private water sources are a great way to lower water costs on dairy farms, but failure to routinely monitor and address water quality issues can lead to problems with udd...
Getting water supply at grass right is a must for optimal cow welfare and to avoid potential dips in production. Water supply is a common pinch point on dairy farms, part...
Analysing forages and balancing rations with your nutritionist are important components of cost-effective feeding. Formulating a diet that works on paper is only part of ...
With straw supplies limited and expensive, different bedding options may prove economic for your herd. An increase in straw price of £15/tonne would typically increase c...
Winter catch crops can be an economic alternative if your winter forage stocks are looking low. The use of root crops and leafy forages can provide high quality feeds f...
Replacement heifers account for almost 10% of on-farm costs, yet the Kingshay 2012 Youngstock Survey found that 15.5% of first-calving heifers fail to calve into the milk...
With feed and forage costs increasing substantially in the last few months, it is even more important to have a highly efficient heifer rearing system. Heifer calves are ...
This is one of a series of three insight publications, looking at parasitic worms in cattle. Together these publications provide a comprehensive guide for developing a go...
Zero grazing is the practice of cutting fresh grass daily to feed to housed cows. It is sometimes referred to as ‘cut and carry’. With feed and forage accounting for ...