Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Farming Notes

Figures suggest that just under 100,000 of the estimated 470,900 black and white bull calves born in the UK in 2011 were killed on site or not registered, due to poor c...

Gases such as methane and carbon dioxide are produced as part of the normal process of digestion in cattle. These gases are usually discharged by eructation (belching). I...

Body Condition Scoring (BCS) is a simple and effective farm management tool. It is a measure of body fat/energy reserves, that can be used to aid decisions or troubleshoo...

Soil is the most valuable resource on your farm. However, it’s often overlooked and underappreciated. By taking the time to better understand your soil, you can adjust ...

Water usage on dairy farms is considerably higher than that associated with other livestock enterprises. A typical 150 cow herd, averaging 7,500 litres of milk uses appro...

Bovine TB (bTB) continues to be a major problem with approximately 11% of herds in England affected by bTB in 2017. The latest DEFRA statistics show there were 3,824 new ...

Recognising the connection between soil, crops, and animals is essential for achieving successful and sustainable agriculture. This Dairy Insight explores the parameter...

The building design and layout on your farm can have a massive effect on the productivity, health and well-being of your herd. Where facilities are not ideal, cow stress ...

Bulk feeds are a useful ingredient in rations for both improving the efficiency of forages and for substitution where there is a forage shortfall. Co-products from the ...

Natural service can save time and money, but a poorly performing bull can be costly if conception rates are low. Is your bull in peak form? With up to 33% of bulls though...

Milk cheques are becoming increasingly influenced by milk butterfat levels, which makes avoiding the typical milk fat depression seen at turn-out vital. However, ensuring...

The financial incentive for butterfat levels is highly variable and will depend on milk contract. For most contracts, increasing butterfat percentage must not be at the ...