Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Farming Notes
Effective rodent control is critical to reduce feed losses and contamination, prevent structural damage and minimise disease risk. Rodenticides are now known to cause pri...
The rumen is a complex fermentation vat which, through muscular contractions and a careful balance of microorganisms, breaks down the plant cell walls into volatile fatty...
Good storage practices and vigilant record keeping are always important to ensure a safe workplace. In addition, they will assure the quality of the purchased products ...
Salmonellosis is a highly contagious disease caused by Salmonella bacteria. It can affect all animal species including humans, with different serotypes of bacteria manife...
It is estimated that a large proportion of the UK’s pasture is deficient in sodium – backed by Kingshay forage mineral analyses. Spreading salt on grazing fields is c...
Well maintained sand cubicles can provide an excellent bed for milking cows. If kept clean, sand does not support bacterial growth and can therefore present a lower masti...
All farmers should take scours prevention seriously considering it accounts for more than half of calf deaths in the UK and is preventable through good hygiene and immuni...
Segregating cows out of the herd during milking can be a time consuming and frustrating process. A well sited drafting system will segregate cows with little disruption t...
With the latest Kingshay Dairy Focus Report putting the cost of mastitis at £290 per case, anything that can be done to prevent infection on farm is a must. Teat disinfe...
There is increasing pressure on producers to use veterinary medicines more sparingly, in particular, antibiotics. Many assurance schemes are striving to prove agriculture...
The typical method for preventing new infections and treatment of intra-mammary infections during the dry period has historically been the blanket use of Dry Cow Therapy....
Sexed semen is becoming an increasingly attractive option for farmers as technologies and success rates have improved, as well as higher replacement costs putting heifer ...