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Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Farming Notes

RESEARCH insight – Disbudding Calves

RESEARCH insight – Disbudding Calves

In recent years many papers have been published around the procedure of disbudding, the use of NSAIDs, as well as health and safety aspects - including the inhalation of ...

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RESEARCH insight – Fine Tuning Heifer Rearing

RESEARCH insight – Fine Tuning Heifer Rearing

Heifer calves are the future of most dairy herds, and you don’t get a second chance at getting it right. Therefore, time taken for attention to detail pays dividends, n...

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RESEARCH Insight – September 2018 - Cow and Calf Behaviour

RESEARCH Insight – September 2018 - Cow and Calf Behaviour

This is the third issue of our new publication, research insight. The aim of the publication is to translate relevant scientific research into useful information for your...

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Reseeding Grassland

Reseeding Grassland

To achieve high levels of milk from forage, grass quality and good ley management are vital. There can be a large variation in the performance of paddocks. Accurate measu...

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Ringworm Farming Note

Ringworm Farming Note

Ringworm is a fungal zoonotic skin disease, which affects skin, hair and nails. It is highly contagious, with cattle being the most susceptible farm animal. Whilst not a ...

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Robotic Milking Farming Note

Robotic Milking Farming Note

In Holland, around 15% of dairy farms milk through robots. Sales of robots in the UK are a long way behind this, but it is an increasing market. Dairying is a difficult s...

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Rodent Control

Rodent Control

Effective rodent control is critical to reduce feed losses and contamination, prevent structural damage and minimise disease risk. Rodenticides are now known to cause pri...

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Rumen Health and Rumen Acidosis Dairy Insight

Rumen Health and Rumen Acidosis Dairy Insight

The rumen is a complex fermentation vat which, through muscular contractions and a careful balance of microorganisms, breaks down the plant cell walls into volatile fatty...

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Safe Handling and Storage of Fertiliser

Safe Handling and Storage of Fertiliser

Good storage practices and vigilant record keeping are always important to ensure a safe workplace.  In addition, they will assure the quality of the purchased products ...

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Salmonellosis Farming Note

Salmonellosis Farming Note

Salmonellosis is a highly contagious disease caused by Salmonella bacteria. It can affect all animal species including humans, with different serotypes of bacteria manife...

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Salt Application on Grazing Paddocks Trial Results

Salt Application on Grazing Paddocks Trial Results

It is estimated that a large proportion of the UK’s pasture is deficient in sodium – backed by Kingshay forage mineral analyses. Spreading salt on grazing fields is c...

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Sand Cubicles - The Gold Standard? Farming Note

Sand Cubicles - The Gold Standard? Farming Note

Well maintained sand cubicles can provide an excellent bed for milking cows. If kept clean, sand does not support bacterial growth and can therefore present a lower masti...

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