Kingshay's Knowledgebase - Farming Notes
The risk of cattle poisoning becomes more prevalent when animals are grazing. There are many different plants and elements that can harm animals; some being more obvious ...
Careful monitoring of the performance and health of freshly calved cows will help to achieve expected lactation yields. Particular attention should be paid to cows who ...
Many factors determine the quality of the silage that is ultimately fed to dairy cows. The Forage Cost Report bases yield and cost values on an average of well grown crop...
In November 2020, parliament finally approved the Agriculture Bill. This set out how farmers and land owners in England will be rewarded in the future with public money f...
The Environment Agency (EA) is continuing to ramp up on-farm visits following a drive to recruit new inspectors, leading many farmers to confront the consequences of non-...
Promoting milk to the public is something that both industry organisations and individual farmers can – and many say, should – be doing. This insight publication look...
Working with livestock will always involve a level of risk. One risk area that is often overlooked is zoonotic diseases (pathogens that are passed from animals to humans)...
As environmental awareness is coming more prominent and rules and regulations are being created for farmers to reduce their environmental impact, lowering concentration o...
Protein feed markets are always volatile but farmers can look to forward plan purchasing protein sources to manage costs or introduce more home grown forage proteins to t...
There are very few truly ‘closed’ herds in the UK, as farmers purchase stock for various reasons including replacements for culls, expanding the herd size, sweeper bu...
Rats carry a large number of diseases and parasites which can be harmful to both humans and animals. This, alongside the damage they cause, makes them a major farm pest.Â...