- Agri-Sector Consultancy
- On Farm Consultancy
- Business Planning & Team Management
- Livestock Nutrition
- Sustainability and Regenerative Ag.
- Soil Health and Nutrient Management
- Grant Applications
- Milk Quality, Mastitis and Parlour Testing
- Livestock Housing and Building Design
- Mobility and Lameness
- Fertility and Breeding Management
- Youngstock Management
- TB Biosecurity
- Infectious Disease and Biosecurity
Since 1991 Kingshay have been supporting you, providing clarity to farming businesses and the wider industry. Get in touch to find out more about how we can provide unique solutions for your farm.
Our network of Agricultural Consultants and Associates bring their skills and expertise to your door wherever you farm in the UK or further afield.
Meet the Team
Use the search bar below to find a named consultant or to search an area of consultancy.

Hannah Batty

Jenny Bellini

Matt Berriman

Dawn Bezuidenhout

Sarah Bolt

Emily Bunn

Phil Clarke

Philip Dawber

Mia Ellis

Mike Feneley

Will Gratwick

Rob Hall

Michael Head

Brian Leggat

David Jackson

David Owen

Nat Parker

Will Phillips

Tim Potter

Paul Robinson

Kathryn Rowland

Richard Simpson

Peter Slark

Simon Smith

Ami Sawran

Sarah Tomlinson

Claire Whittle
No Results Found
Hannah Batty
Hannah is clinical director at a leading farm practice based in Shropshire and works with a wide range of progressive dairy and beef units in the North West.
Hannah has a particular interest and expertise for calf health and youngstock rearing, helping clients and teams understand the importance of calf health for future productivity and creating tangible action plans.
In addition to calf health, Hannah is an experienced speaker and has delivered a wide range of sessions at leading agricultural events.
01458 851555
Jenny Bellini
Jenny’s main interests are young stock management and nutrition, transition management, mastitis prevention and antibiotic stewardship.
Jenny has worked as a dairy vet in clinical practice for 10 years and is currently based in the North West, working with progressive dairy farms operating a range of systems from seasonal calving to all year-round housed herds. Alongside this she has lots of experience with farmer training on the above areas, for individual farm teams to discussion groups and milk processor pools. Jenny has gained industry experience leading training sessions for Arla across the UK aimed at practicing vets, and other producer groups focusing on antibiotic stewardship, safe-guarding milk from residues, and calf management.
More recently Jenny completed her Diploma in Bovine Reproduction, with her dissertation focusing on transition cow health. Her passion is ensuring the latest industry research makes it way on to farm and help farmers find manageable solutions to improve herd health and productivity.
Diploma in Bovine Reproduction (DBR)
01458 851555
Matt Berriman
Matt advises in all areas of cattle health but has a special interest in block calving fertility, mastitis control and the use of data to improve and monitor health on farms.
Matt has worked as a farm vet in the SW of England for over 20 years with both dairy and beef clients. He spent two years working in New Zealand expanding his knowledge of grazing based dairy systems. He is currently the farm Senior Clinical Director at a large veterinary practice in Cornwall where he leads the farm team. Matt provides consultancy services for farm vet practices and dairy farmers over the South of England.
01458 851555
Dawn Bezuidenhout
Dawn's main areas of interest are sheep health and productivity, including parasite management, lameness control and maximising lamb growth rates.
Dawn has a strong background in agriculture, growing up on a family farm in Cumbria before graduating from Glasgow vet school in 2009. She currently works as a farm vet in Yorkshire and thoroughly enjoys becoming an integral part of clients' businesses focussing on preventative health planning and maximising productivity on dairy, beef and sheep farms. Her particular interest in sheep led to her completing further studies and being awarded a certificate in advanced veterinary practice and becoming a RCVS recognised advanced practitioner in sheep health and production in 2018. Dawn has been part of AHDB's Challenge Sheep project since 2017, a 7-year project analysing data sets from thousands of sheep over their lifetime to guide management decisions for maximum productivity. Dawn also enjoys spending time teaching the next generation of vets on various sheep topics. Dawn currently consults on second opinion sheep cases in the North of England.
CertAVP (Sheep). RCVS Advanced Practitioner in Sheep Health and Production.
Sarah Bolt
Sarah’s main areas of interest include calf rearing, soils & regen and milk quality issues.
Sarah has worked in the agricultural sector for over 25 years. Roles have included technical sales and advisory positions, giving her a good understanding across the board within the dairy sector.
Sarah has an MSc in Animal Behaviour, and her knowledge of cow behaviour leaves her well placed to provide technical input for building design, ventilation and cow flow, to meet cows’ needs.
More recently Sarah has studied Holistic Management and hopes to become an accredited professional in due course, to help enable farmers to regenerate their soils.
Her passion is using her facilitation and coaching skills to inspire, influence and motivate farmers to deliver positive changes on farm for a profitable and sustainable future.
01458 851555
Emily Bunn
Emily provides rural compliance consultancy, completing grant applications such as Mid Tier, Capital Grant Schemes, Slurry Infrastructure Grants and Small Grant Schemes. Alongside grants she also supports clients with NVZ records, Red Tractor pre-audits and Environment Agency visits.
Emily has over 8 years experience providing business advice to farmers across the South West, particularly supporting grants applications and compliance. Previous roles have included working as a Red Tractor Farm Assessor, completing farm assessments for Beef & Lamb, Dairy and Haulier schemes, and visiting farms as a Farm Business Secretary completing VAT returns, collecting data and administrative work.
01458 851555
Phil Clarke
Associate Consultant - P&L Agri Consulting
P & L AgriConsulting have a dedicated team that ensures you get the advice you need to make the right decisions, helping develop sustainable and prosperous farm businesses.
With a wealth of experience in delivering on-farm consultancy, Phil specialises in dairy cow nutrition, cow health & fertility, business planning and cost of production analysis.
07950 912230
Philip Dawber
Phil’s main areas of interest are cattle fertility issues, transition cow nutrition and mastitis control.
Phil works with all members of your farm staff to encourage implementing protocols that improve fertility and reduce health issues in your fresh calvers. He has worked on dairy farms for over 15 years with knowledge of conventional parlours and robotic systems, and is good at motivating change within a team. Using data from NML, Interherd+ and the digifarm system he can monitor your herd’s performance remotely following a visit to assess how well the changes are working. Working alongside your nutritionists he enjoys formulating diets which are practical and effective.
When investigating mastitis issues he observes milking routine and uses a vadia machine to dynamically test your parlour while assessing cow environment and will come up with a plan to reduce your disease risk and somatic cell count.
Action Johnes Advisor, trained TBAS advisor, MRCVS
01458 851555
Mia Ellis
Mia’s main areas of interest are agroecological farming, parasite control, grazing management and holistic treatments.
Mia has a MSc in Sustainable Agriculture and Food security and a certificate in Veterinary Sustainability, which combined allows her to advise on mitigating synthetic inputs, impacts of different grazing strategies and selecting KPI’s for improved animal welfare and longevity in a particular system. Mia has a passion for helping all farming systems become more resilient and providing support on sustainability, with a focus on livestock health. Mia also enjoys disseminating knowledge amongst colleagues and engaging vets with alternative treatments. She also has the privilege of living on an agroecological organic beef farm which provides her with a holistic view when it comes to how veterinary fits into the farming team.
01458 851555
Mike Feneley
Associate Consultant - Mike Feneley Rural Business
Passionate about the farming industry and have been in consultancy in Devon and Cornwall for 30 years offering both technical and financial advice to the agricultural sector. A very experienced Agricultural Consultant who also has practical working experience in various farming roles both in the UK and overseas.
Mike is able to offer you a wide range of services within his company, Mike Feneley Rural Business.
07974 707317
Will Gratwick
Will provides consultancy in cattle lameness control as well as udder cleft dermatitis.
Will has 15 years experience as a farm animal vet and is passionate about all things relating to cattle mobility. He provides advice and consultancy in this area, including herd lameness control programmes and training for farm staff in foot trimming and lameness treatments. He is a Mobility Mentor, which enables him to deliver the AHDB Healthy Feet Programme. This is a systematic and evidence-based approach to identifying the most effective ways to improve mobility on a specific farm, and can be modified to suit the needs of a particular farming business.
Will has also developed an interest in Udder Cleft Dermatitis, a common condition affecting dairy cows. He has carried out research into this challenging and poorly understood condition and can provide support with both prevention and treatment.
BVSc, MMedVet, MRCVS, Advanced Practitioner in Cattle Health and Production
01458 851555
Rob Hall
Rob’s expertise lie in dairy and beef fertility, including bull management, dairy genetics and genomics, and artificial insemination. His other area of interest is cattle housing, advising farmers on optimising new build systems and retrofitted improvements.
Rob works across the North West and Channel Islands, having grown his consultancy services with a focus on cattle fertility. His work includes bull management and export services for a large semen collection centre, plus farmer training and advice around artificial insemination. Rob gained his Diploma in Bovine Reproduction (DBR) in 2022, which included research into the effects of heat stress on bull fertility. Calf and cattle housing design is another area where Rob advises farmers, adopting and adapting the insights he gained at the University of Wisconsin Madison and Cornell University in the United States. He also enjoys helping farmers interpret and analyse data to help drive decision making to generate large benefits from small changes, especially with regards to infectious disease management.
01458 851555
Michael Head
Consultancy areas include: Cattle Lameness, Dairy Fertility, Training delivery to individuals and groups in practical skills.
Michael (colloquially named Spike) is an experienced practitioner and is currently a farm vet in a mixed practice on the Devon/Cornwall border and before this was as a director in a large dairy practice in Somerset for 17 years. During this period, he has been a veterinary advisor on the Healthy feet project where he offered consultancy to participating farmers. With his long involvement in dairy herd fertility and providing CPD for vets and farmers, he has a practical solution focus to fertility challenges arising on Dairy Farms. Combining all this, he delivers and promotes farmer training courses to upskill existing staff and offer organisations a programme to develop, retain and attract new staff.
Certificate in Cattle Health and Production, Diploma of Bovine Reproduction, Lantra Accredited Trainer and Harpers Adams assessor.
01458 851555
Brian Leggat
Associate Consultant
Brian offers a range of services including:
- Milk Quality improvements such as Bactoscans, Thermoduric counts and SCC’s and best practice for reducing antibiotic residue failures.
- HACCP and food safety management for small Micro dairies including Vending machine operators.
- Farm audit standards Including Carbon foot printing
Brian is also Independent ROMS accredited for Mobility scoring.
07722 714458
David Jackson
David has been a farm vet in Somerset and surrounding areas since 2008. He has a broad range of experience in cattle health and fertility. He brings a preventative, protocol-driven approach, tailored to the goals of the farm.
David is comfortable consulting in infectious disease prevention and control (TB, Johne’s, IBR, BVD etc.), youngstock health, mastitis troubleshooting, fertility analysis and building and handling system design. He enjoys training farmers and staff in many areas, including; AI instruction and Responsible use of medicines and Milksure training.
David is based in Somerset and will cover Somerset, Wilts, Dorset, Glos & Devon for Consultancy.
01458 851555
David Owen
Associate Consultant - Owen Farm Services
Having started Owen Farm Services in 2013 we have grown steadily and are now a founder member of 5 Agri. Specialising in compliance and technology, we also cover areas such as budgeting, reporting, grants and IACS.
07740 651450
Nat Parker
Nat is an experienced farm vet tech with experience in the agricultural industry. She has been a key driving force behind establishing vet tech’s as a recognised para-profession and continues to advocate for skilled labour in the industry. Nat has trained a well-established vet tech team in Cheshire and for a range of other practices, including advice on how to set up the service in practice, disbudding, handling and selective dry cow therapy.
01458 851555
Will Phillips
Associate Consultant - P&L Agri Consulting
P & L AgriConsultings' aim is to provide a personal service backed up by professional knowledge and a wealth of experience based on many years of working with UK farmers from all types of agri-business.
Will Philips is an agriculturalist with specialist buildings and cow housing knowledge and has been an on-farm dairy consultant for over 12 years. He can help you with all aspects of dairy farming from day-to-day concerns to your future plans.
07939 474838
Tim Potter
Tim’s main interests are in calf rearing and youngstock health as well as building design, farmer training, the responsible use of medicines and on farm clinical trials.
Tim is a vet with extensive clinical experience across the ruminant sector. Having completed a PhD on calf pneumonia Tim now spends most of his time providing advice on proactive health management to calf rearers across the UK. He has worked on a large number of research projects across a range of subjects including animal health and welfare, pharmacology and antimicrobial resistance, providing him with extensive experience of the design, management and interpretation of clinical studies for commercial customers across the world.
As an experienced educator he has designed and delivered programmes to vets, farmers, and allied professionals through a variety of mediums. A regular contributor to the veterinary and farming press he has a proven track record of peer reviewed publications and conference presentations.
Tim regularly contributes to the development of animal welfare standards and agricultural policies for a number of different organisations and industry bodies.
01458 851555
Paul Robinson
Associate Consultant - Paul Robinson Agriculture Ltd
Paul Robinson is based in the North of England, working from his home in Yorkshire. With extensive farm management experience, a BSc in Farm Business Management and a strong practical farming background, Paul has a wealth of experience and knowledge to provide down to earth practical farming advice tailored to your business.
07810 280292
Kathryn Rowland
Kathryn has over 20 years of technical expertise working for Kingshay. She currently manages the Farm Services Team where a key part of her role involves analysing key performance data and writing technical articles for publication.
She also runs the Profit Manager service and business management training workshops, facilitating farm discussion group meetings, where all costs of production are discussed in detail and benchmarked against full costs of production.
01458 851555
Richard Simpson
Richard leads the Kingshay team and is involved in all aspects of business management and IT development. Having been at Kingshay since 1994, Richard has over 30 years of experience within the dairy farming industry, from practical herd management through to farm business consultancy and project management.
Working with both farmers and industry clients, areas of expertise include farm business analysis & budgeting, identifying keys to profitability & success across dairy farming systems, grassland management, carbon footprinting, as well as the ability to find & develop solutions e.g. applying the input requirements of a complex model to practical farm situations that can be replicated from farm to farm.
Richard is the UK Scientific Advisor within European Dairy Farmers (EDF) and a previous President of the British Grassland Society. From a dairy farming background Richard, gained a BSc honours in Agriculture at Harper Adams and has practical experience managing cows on a day to day basis.
01458 851555
Peter Slark
Associate Consultant - P&L Agri Consulting
Specialising in technical dairy & ruminant management and business planning, Peter has extensive practical farming & on-farm consultancy experience and is FACTS qualified.
07966 027890
Simon Smith
Associate Consultant - Smith Farm Consulting Ltd
Simon specialises in independent nutrition and farm business management for the dairy, beef and sheep sectors. Areas of specific interest include nutrition and herd management, ration formulation, with a particular focus on the dry and transition periods, enterprise costings and budget formulation as well as general business and animal management advice.
07711 491652
Ami Sawran
Ami’s main area of interest is camelid health and welfare, providing ground-up herd health plans for your specific enterprise, or second opinions on more complex cases.
Ami has been involved in camelid medicine for over a decade, from first opinion work to advanced health planning. Her main areas of interest include cria care and dental health.
Ami has travelled internationally to ensure a good grounding in this area, from Austria to the USA and Peru. She also provides CPD to other vets wanting to improve confidence with camelids, as well as owner workshops and seminars. Ami regularly writes for alpaca publications in the UK and Europe. She has an RCVS certificate in Advanced Camelid Practice, and a huge enthusiasm for empowering vets to utilise their transferrable skills to care for camelids. She encourages keepers to consider their farms as their own ecosystems, and designs health plans suited to their risk profile and needs.
Ami runs an outpatient clinic from her base in Chelmsford, which can accept camelid patients for first and second opinion diagnostics and management.
Cert AVP (CP)
01458 851555
Sarah Tomlinson
Sarah has over 20 years practical farm vet experience. Her roles now include, TB Advisory Service Technical Director and Kingshay Vet Consultant with excellent technical capabilities and industry credentials.
Sarah has developed strong working relationships with the NFU, CHECS, BVA, BCVA, AHDB, DEFRA and APHA, as well as with individuals at Universities.
Areas covered for Consultancy: UK Wide
01458 851555
Claire Whittle
Claire has been a practicing farm vet since 2014 and currently works with a range of progressive dairy, beef and sheep farms. She sits on the steering group of the Nature Friendly Farming Network and is the veterinary lead for the Dung Beetles for Farmers team.
Claire delivers tailored consultancy advice for individual farm businesses within the regenerative sphere to identify how to work with nature and improve the health of livestock.
Areas covered for Consultancy: England & Wales
01458 851555

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“Kingshay consultants have helped us make real progress. They combine their technical knowledge and experience with an ability to analyse any aspect of our business and find a practical way forward that makes a real difference to bottom line profitability”.
Neil Christensen

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“Barber’s Cheesemakers are proud to work with Kingshay in supporting the credentials and provenance of our milk supply. The Kingshay team always has a ‘can do attitude’, underpinned by the professionalism and expertise to help”.