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SOIL – Completing the Carbon Jigsaw (Soil Carbon Report)
This Soil Carbon Report, ‘Soil – completing the carbon jigsaw’ combines the key findings from the Kingshay Soil Organic Carbon Project, alongside other research and knowledge. The aim of the project was to better understand the current soil organic carbon (SOC) levels of grassland soils and gain a better knowledge of carbon sequestration and how management practices on farm may influence carbon levels.
It is intended to be a practical guide for farmers who want to improve or maintain soil organic carbon in their grassland soils.
This report will help farmers to understand how they can play their part in climate change mitigation whilst improving the health of their soil, having a positive impact on their profitability.
Alongside this document we have added new testing to our analysis suite – Analysing your soils using our new service ‘CarbonCheck Soil Analysis with Textural Classification’ will not only allow you to see how much carbon you are sequestering, tonnes per ha. But with the %Clay results you can calculate your SOC to Clay ratio to classify your soil C as ‘very good’, ‘good’, ‘moderate’ or ‘degraded’ – this will help you to make management decisions when it comes to Carbon in your soils.
Issued 2nd March 2021
Price: POA
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insight publications replace the Farming Notes which have been produced by Kingshay since 1991, publishing on issues critical to the success of a modern dairy farm business. These briefings which now include dairy insight, business insight and research insight, provide dairy farmers, large animal vets, farm consultants and other interested parties with the most important and timely information in a concise two-page format. The information contained in our insight publications is written and updated by our experts to ensure accuracy and save you time.
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